In one of my previous articles, I researched the possibility of an unknown sense organ. My research had led me to the most common expression, 'the third eye'. And hence to the 'pineal gland', the concrete representative of the third eye... Now let's get to know the pineal gland closely. Where was it originally from, and what can it do... Then, let's investigate why such speculations have arisen about this gland.
The pineal gland is located in the middle of the brain, in a cavity between the two thalamic lobes and just behind the pituitary gland. Its region is called the epithalamus. Resembling a pine cone in shape, this gland is a smaller organ than a bean. One of the features that makes it unique is that it is the only exception in the brain, which is symmetrical in every part. There is no like or twin. For this reason, it can also be considered an endocrine gland that is not part of the brain and works independently within the brain.
As for what it does, we can say that its main and most well-known task is to secrete melatonin and to maintain the balance of melatonin. In this way, it ensures the adaptation of the body's biological clock. Although it does not see the light directly, it is sensitive and likes the darkness more. In other words, it is when it works most effectively while we are sleeping.
Now let's dig a little deeper into this general information. The hormone secreted by the pineal gland is not only melatonin. In addition, it is known to secrete molecules such as serotonin and DMT. I suppose we all recognize serotonin. Although it is not a hormone, it is known as the 'happiness hormone' by the majority. It is actually a neurotransmitter that carries signals between neurons. And it has indirect effects on our mental state, not directly. Even though the exact reason is not known, it is probably perceived as a happy chemical because there is a link between low serotonin levels and depression.
Let's come to the interesting molecule. DMT… Also known as the 'Soul Molecule'. This is the molecule that makes the pineal gland so mysterious and fantastic. This, like other hormones secreted by the pineal gland, is intensely secreted at night, during birth and death. It is essentially a hallucinogen. Maybe that's why dreams are the times when he is most intensely secreted.
If the amount of DMT secreted is higher than normal, it may cause some perceptual changes. Some describe it as doors to different dimensions. We don't know what's exactly going on for now, of course. Are we really communicating with different dimensions, or are we just experiencing schizophrenic hallucinations? Still, obviously, it somehow causes some radical changes in our consciousness. And that's why it is one of the points to take into consideration.
Well, can we get this molecule externally? Yes. DMT is found not only in humans and animals but also in plants. Some plants such as reed canary grass, chickweed, acacia, and giant reed are examples of these sources. The most important source is 'ayahuasca'. However, the molecule is quite poisonous and dangerous in its pure form. Therefore, it cannot be used without certain processes. However, this does not mean that its use is legal. Because DMT falls into the category of hallucinogens due to its hallucinogenic effects. The substance is often used by shamans to go into a trance state.
Maybe because its hallucinogenic effects are interpreted as information exchange between dimensions, or because of its use in the rituals of shamans, this substance has an extra sanctity. Considering that the pineal gland is also a source of this molecule, we can understand why it is a strong candidate for being the third eye.
What other stories are there about the pineal gland being the third eye? Let's examine them too.
The third eye adventure of the pineal gland actually dates back to ancient times. It is featured in ancient Egyptian wall paintings and pictures of Horos's head. You can see the same eye image on Masonic emblems or $1 US dollars.
The symbol of the pineal gland in terms of its similarity in shape is the pine cone. This is the reason why it is called the 'pineal gland'. But of course, that's not all. Based on this similarity, we can see how popular the pineal gland actually is. How? We can tell that it has been seen all over the world by looking at the Sumerian, Greek, and Roman traditions, the Pine Cone Fountain in the Vatican, and the details on the ferula of the pope.
In Drunvalo Melchizedek's book 'The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life'; “This gland has degenerated from its original size, comparable to a ping-pong ball, to its present size, that of a dried pea, because we forgot how to use it a long time ago — and if you don’t use it, you lose it.” he said. In another expression, he tells that the pineal gland is an upward-looking eye. This upward-looking eye is thought to look at the other side of the universe, not at the world. It is also told in history that despite its small size, this organ was created with sacred geometry and was described as the 'all-seeing eye'.
Perhaps one of the most important factors in getting the definition of the eye was the autopsies discovered that it resembled an eye in shape and that its internal structure was similar to that of the retina. Nor is this all. It was determined that it also contains fluids similar to the eye biochemically.
Some scientists claim that if we use this gland/eye at full capacity, we can see everything with our intuition. However, by the age of 12, the gland is said to become calcified and hardened. It goes to sleep over time. So at least its intuitive features are losing their effectiveness. But why and how?
There are some pretty interesting claims about this situation. It is thought that some groups are aware of the power of this gland and, by way of the products they market to the world, insidiously make us use substances that will limit the activities of the pineal gland. Ready-made foods, city waters, and toothpaste are among these products that we cannot give up.
If you ask why would anyone do such a thing… The answer is simple. Because they don't want to see an awakened society in front of them. Thus, they aim to manage societies more easily.
The most well-known example of this blunting is fluoride, often found in toothpaste and drinking water. The pineal gland absorbs more fluoride than bones. For this reason, it becomes calcified and cannot fulfill its duties efficiently.
What would have happened if there weren’t plots like this? Each person's pineal gland, the third eye, can adapt to the frequency of the spiritual realms, also enabling people to experience an omniscient and divine pleasure. It is believed that if the pineal gland is active, one can gain abilities such as astral projection or clairvoyance. In more advanced practices, controlling people's thoughts and behaviors becomes possible.
You may say, "Are you going a bit overboard?" but the US, the Soviet Union government, and various organizations take these kinds of research seriously. Also, they have been working on it for many years.
So what can we do? If such an eye really exists, how can we activate it?
Notice that most religious shrines and temples were built in high places. Interestingly, the pineal gland is also said to be active at high altitudes rather than at sea level. Therefore high altitudes could be one of the things to consider.

There is also what we eat and drink issue. In many religions, there are practices such as seclusion, leaving or restricting eating and drinking for a while. Animal-originated foods are generally abandoned, for example. Maybe you won't be so restrictive, but at least you can try ways such as avoiding fluoride and choosing natural foods.
I don't recommend it as there is no legal way, but there is another way that Amazon tribes have experienced and developed for thousands of years and used in their spiritual work. Ayahuasca, the plant that is the richest source for DMT that I mentioned earlier… At least shamans are said to be using it for thousands of years and interact with different dimensions.
Apart from these, you can work on the opening of this eye by meditating and taking advantage of the power of imagination. The fact that the place you sleep in complete darkness will make the work of the pineal gland better. In different sources, it is stated that tea prepared from natural products such as manna, peganum, and ginkgo leaves will be beneficial in opening the third eye by using it in a certain order and continuously.
Contrary to its size, the pineal gland has almighty fame. Although its abilities other than regulating the circadian rhythm remain a mystery, studies show that the claims are not empty. Not to mention that the whole world has the same suspicion and draws attention to the mysterious aspect of this tiny organ.
It is a little hard to reach scientific data on this subject, but considering the power struggles in the world, even if such treasure has been proven (if you ask me), it would not be revealed. So we're left with the little scraps of evidence we have for now. What happens next is up to you. You can try to improve it or keep ignoring it.
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